Student/Parent Handbook
As part of our Back-to-School process families are asked to acknowledge that they have read the digital handbook for students and parents during the back-to-school data verification process in PowerSchool. Please reference the revision date of the handbook at the bottom of this web page.
Download a PDF copy of the Student/Parent Handbook here.
- Annual Notices
- Attendance
- Bullying
- Child Abuse/Neglect
- Communication
- Communication Expectations During an Emergency
- Discrimination (Title XI)
- Dress Code
- English Learners
- Equal Opportunity Education Policy
- Forms & Documents
- Gender Identity Support
- Full School Board Policy Listing
- Homeless Children and Youth/In and Out of Home Placement/Foster Care
- Locker Room and Restroom Policy
- Parents Rights and Responsibilities
- Student Academic Standards and Curriculum
- School Fees
- School Nutrition
- School Safety, Closings and Visitors
- Social Media Guidelines
- Student Behavior and Code of Conduct
- Student Health
- Student Public Records
- Student's Rights and Responsibilities
- Special Education
- Transportation
- Use of Technology
- Who to Contact
Annual Notices
Parent Notification of Absence
If a parent/guardian is aware a student is going to be absent, contact the school prior to the start of the school day communicating the child’s name, grade/teacher and reason for the absence. If your child is not in school and you have not contacted the school, a phone call will be made to the parent/guardian listed in PowerSchool. If the contact is unsuccessful, the school will attempt to reach you by other means.
The District recognizes there is a positive relationship between consistent school attendance and academic success, but also the development of self-discipline, responsibility and punctuality. Truancy and excessive absences affect a student’s education and increases the chance of failure. The Board encourages a strong partnership between the home, school and community to develop these life skills, however parents/guardians have primary responsibility under State law for student attendance at school. State Law requires all children between the ages of 6 and 18 attend school full time. A student who has turned 18 must attend until the end of the term, quarter, or semester following his/her/their 18th birthday. The State of Wisconsin and the District have set policies for student absences. (For additional information please refer to policy 431 regarding the Board attendance policy and procedure.)
A child is considered habitually truant if he/she/they misses a total of five full or partial days without a valid excuse during a school semester and ten days per year. The school attendance officer has the authority to determine if an absence is excused or unexcused. A partial school day is defined as missing 30 minutes or more without an acceptable excuse. To assist truant students, the school attendance officer will contact the parent/guardian to develop a plan to encourage consistent school attendance. It is the goal of these meetings to collaborate as a team to develop a plan for consistent school attendance. If these plans are not followed the school attendance officer will follow the Board outlined procedure 431 to address attendance concerns.
The District and Board are committed to providing a safe, secure, respectful and nurturing learning environment for all students in school buildings, on school grounds, school buses and at school-sponsored activities. For this to occur a partnership between families and schools is vital. Students are provided with instruction to identify, resolve and respond to all forms of conflict and negative interactions including bullying throughout their educational experience. We encourage you and/or your child to have discussions regarding these lessons. We also need you to communicate any concerning negative interactions to your teacher, principal or school counselor. The District consistently and vigorously addresses known negative interactions regardless if they are teasing, a conflict, mean moment or bullying behavior, so that the learning environment and learning process are not disrupted as well as and physical and mental safety of students is maintained. The following definitions are used to assist in defining the negative interactions so that both the restorative and disciplinary actions can be taken in accordance with the code of conduct.
Definitions (see Policy 411.1 for full descriptions):
Bullying - Deliberate or intentional behavior using words or actions intended to cause fear, intimidation or harm.
Cyberbullying - All forms of bullying in cyberspace commonly referred to as cyberbullying are prohibited under this policy. Cyberbullying includes, but is not limited to the following misuses of technology: teasing, intimidation, threatening, or terrorizing another person or group of people by sending or posting inappropriate and hurtful e-mail messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or website postings, including blogs or any other messages via cyberspace.
The following are used throughout K-12 to help students distinguish between bullying behavior and other types of concerning interactions:
- Teasing: Everyone is having fun; no one is getting hurt; everyone is participating equally
- Conflict: No one is having fun; there is a possible solution to a disagreement; equal balance of power.
- Mean Moment: Someone is getting hurt on purpose; reaction to a strong feeling or emotion; an isolated event (does not happen regularly).
- Bullying: Someone is being hurt on purpose; repetitive (happens often); imbalance of power.
Please click here to visit our Bullying Prevention webpage for more information.
Reporting Bullying and Filing a Complaint
The Board Bullying policy applies to behaviors on school grounds and during school sponsored activities that occur off school property. An individual who believes he/she/they is being subjected to bullying is encouraged to advise the person who is engaging in such conduct (the accused) of their objections to or bullying behavior. If the victim is unable to ask the accused to stop or if this fails to resolve that behavior, the individual should immediately report the behavior to a teacher, principal, associate principal or district administrator and file a complaint.
Complaints against the building principal or associate principal should be filed with the Superintendent,
David Muñoz (, Director of Pupil Services, Laura Schieffer (, or Director of Human Resources, Leia Scoptor (
Complaints against the Superintendent should be filed with the Board president, Nina Christensen,
Reports of bullying may be made verbally or in writing and may be made confidentially. All such reports will be taken seriously and a clear account of the incident is to be documented.
Child Abuse/Neglect
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse/Neglect
The School District of Menomonee Falls takes child safety issues seriously. Staff are required by law to report any suspected abuse or neglect, or having reason to believe that a student has been threatened with an injury. Required reporting leads to protection for all children and helps identify supports for families who may need it.
School personnel shall not contact the parent(s) and/or legal guardian of the student or any other person to determine the cause of any suspected abuse or neglect. County agencies may contact, observe or interview a student at school, without permission from the parent(s) and/or legal guardian of the student, if necessary to determine if a student is in need of protection or services. For more detailed information regarding child abuse/neglect please call your school and ask to speak with the school social worker. (Board Policy 454)
Self-Inflicted Injury
Self-inflicted injuries and threatened suicide are not "abuse." However, these actions are serious threats to a youth's health and life and shall be addressed through other means (e.g., notification of the family or referral for mental health assessment and treatment). The threat of self-inflicted injury may be identified through a number of means, including, but not limited to self-reporting, reporting from other individuals, or discovery on technological devices owned by the District and used by the student.
Please also access the crisis helpline by texting HOME to 741741.
The School District of Menomonee Falls uses a wide variety of communication tools to regularly inform and engage families. Individual schools and teachers may use other communication channels as well. Please verify that your contact information is accurate in PowerSchool (phone numbers, email addresses, home address and emergency contacts) to ensure that you are receiving important information.
Please visit the Communications Division webpage for additional information.
Skyward & Family Access
- Emails from district office, principals and teachers
- Absences
- Grades
- Class schedules
Newsletters: Email via Constant Contact
All of our schools share news, updates and information through regular electronic newsletters. The SDMF sends a digital to families each Thursday. Sign up here to receive the eNewsletter.
School Messenger: Email & Phone
SchoolMessenger is used to send phone, email, and text messages to students, staff, and families throughout the year. It is important that families keep their contact information up-to-date to ensure they receive notifications through School Messenger.
Optional: Text Message Opt-in
SDMF utilizes a text message option to communicate with families through our SchoolMessenger service for urgent and emergency matters (i.e.: school closings, safety updates). You can choose to opt-in now by texting “yes” or “y” to 67587. Message and data rates may apply.
Speak Up Speak Out: an application that supports anonymous reporting of inappropriate behavior, bullying, or school safety concerns.
Communication Expectations During an Emergency
If an emergency should occur during school hours:
- Parents/guardians should not call the school. The telephone lines must be open for emergency calls.
- Parents/guardians should also not immediately drive to the school. Access to the school will be for emergency personnel only.
- SDMF will provide parents/guardians with clear directions about an incident and reunification as accurate information is available
While it is important for us to quickly update parents, it is also important that the information we send is accurate. Please be aware that emergency situations are fluid and always changing, and that information received from non-District sources such as the news media and social media may be inaccurate.
After Event Parent Communications:
The School District of Menomonee Falls is committed to ensuring a safe learning environment for our students, staff, and community. Our safety plans and practices are in place to prepare our school community for a potential crisis, including:
- School Resource Officers (SRO) from the Menomonee Falls Police Department are in our buildings.
- District and school-level Crisis Teams meet regularly to review our safety plans and procedures for protecting our students and staff from dangers in a crisis.
- All external doors at our buildings are locked during school hours.
- Safe and secure entrances to all school offices.
- Visitors entering our schools are required to present an official ID such as a driver’s license, which will be scanned or manually entered into the Raptor system.
- All schools perform emergency drills on a regular basis.
Safety Procedures & Protocols
- Communication Expectations During an Emergency
- Evacuation & Reunification
- Internet Safety
- Resources for Families
- Safety Drills
- Safety Plans
- School Counseling
- School Resource Officers
- Secure Entry and Building Access
- Speak Up Speak Out Tipline
Communication Expectations During an Emergency
If an emergency should occur during school hours:
- Parents/guardians should not call the school. The telephone lines must be open for emergency calls.
- Parents/guardians should also not immediately drive to the school. Access to the school will be for emergency personnel only.
- SDMF will provide parents/guardians with clear directions about an incident and reunification as accurate information is available
While it is important for us to quickly update parents, it is also important that the information we send is accurate. Please be aware that emergency situations are fluid and always changing, and that information received from non-District sources such as the news media and social media may be inaccurate.
After Event Parent Communications:
Evacuation & Reunification
SDMF is prepared for circumstances that may occur at a school. If an incident occurs where students and staff need to evacuate and are unable to return to school, plans are in place that require parents/guardians to pick up their students in a formalized and controlled release. This process is called reunification, and may be necessary due to inclement weather, a power outage, hazmat, or if a crisis occurs at the school.
A reunification process protects both the safety of the student and provides for an accountable change of custody from the school to an approved custodial parent or guardian. If a parent or guardian is notified that a reunification is needed, you must bring identification. There are no exceptions to this rule. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this process.
Internet Safety
At SDMF, Digital Citizenship is addressed at all levels with our students. The lessons vary based on grade level.
For parents, we recommend the following resources:
The Wisconsin Department of Justice Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and the Department of Public Instruction have launched a program called "Interact!". Interact is an online e-course created for parents and guardians to complete alongside their children with the goal of initiating online safety discussions at home. For more information click here.
In addition, Common Sense Media provides a robust set of resources for parents. Common Sense Media has been around since 2003 and provides parent resources for online activity, movies, tv and more. Click here to learn more.
Resources for Families
Death, Loss & Grief
Addressing Grief in Children: Tips for Parents & Educators - National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
After a Love One Dies - New York Life Foundation
Guiding Adults in Talking to Children About Death and Attending Services - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Helping Children Cope with Loss, Death, and Grief: Tips for Teachers & Parents - National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
Helping School-Age Children with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
How to Help a Grieving Teen - The National Center for Grieving Children & Families
Preparing Your Child to Attend the Memorial Service of a Friend - Speak Up, Speak Out Wisconsin (SUSO)
Supporting Your Child after the Death of a Family Member - Coalition to Support Grieving Students
Tips for Supporting The Grieving Teen - The National Center for Grieving Children & Families
Disaster Support
Parent Tips for Helping Adolescents After Disasters - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Parent Tips for Helping Preschool-Age Children After Disasters - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Parent Tips for Helping School-Age Children After Disasters - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Tips for Talking With and Helping Children and Youth Cope After a Disaster or Traumatic Event: A Guide for Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers - Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
After the Injury - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia - contains quick links
Age Related Reactions to a Traumatic Event - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Assisting Parents/Caregivers in Coping with Collective Traumas - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Traumatic Events - National Institute of Mental Health
Helping Teens with Traumatic Grief - Tips for Caregivers - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Helping Young Children with Traumatic Grief - Tips for Caregivers - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
How to Talk to Children About Difficult News - American Psychological Association (APA)
National Tragedy: Helping Children Cope: Tips for Parents and Teachers - National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
Understanding Child Traumatic Stress - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Coping after Mass Violence - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Coping with Stress Following a Mass Shooting - Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress
For Teens - Coping after Mass Violence - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Going Back to School After Tragedy - Child Mind Institute
Helping your Children Manage Distress in the Aftermath of a Shooting - American Psychological Association (APA)
Parent Guidelines for Helping Youth after a Recent Shooting - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Supporting Children & Students - Resource Toolkit (links) - Safe and Sound Schools
Talking to Children about Violence: Tips for Families and Educators - National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
Talking to Children about School Shootings - American Psychological Association (APA)
Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents & Teachers - National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
Sexual Abuse & Sexual Behavior
Child Sexual Abuse Fact Sheet: For Parents, Teachers, and Other Caregivers - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Understanding and Coping with Sexual Behavior Problems in Children - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
What to Do If Your Child Discloses Sexual Abuse - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Resources Related to Teen Sexual Assault - The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSD)
Safety Drills
All schools perform emergency drills on a regular basis. In addition to fire and tornado drills, our staff and students practice for additional emergency situations. In these scenarios we may ask students to follow any one, or more, of the following protocol.
- LOCKDOWN (locks, lights, & out of sight)
- HOLD (stay in your classroom, clear halls)
- EVACUATE (fire or other incident requiring evacuation of building)
- SHELTER (shelter within building in designated location)
- SECURE (bring everyone indoors and lock exterior doors)
Safety Plans
School Counseling
The SDMF counseling staff is available to help students in need of assistance. In addition to students, parents/guardians are encouraged to reach out. For more information about counseling services, please click here to visit our Pupil Services webpage.
School Resource Officers
The School District of Menomonee Falls has a close relationship with the Menomonee Falls Police Department. We have three school resource officers that partner with us on the day-to-day safety of our schools. Both Menomonee Falls High School and North Middle School have a dedicated officer while our elementary schools share an officer. It is common to see a police vehicle parked in front of our schools for non-emergency reasons (e.g. sporting events).
Secure Entry and Building Access
Secure Entrances
All of our School District of Menomonee Falls schools have locked, secure entrances. External doors are locked during the school day.
Panic Buttons
All our buildings are equipped with direct notification systems allowing members of our staff to connect directly to law enforcement. Imagine a situation where many individuals are calling emergency services at the same time; this system, so to speak, allows us to jump the line, and share the location of the crisis immediately. In testing, we’ve learned that response to our schools is very quick, and we know that Menomonee Falls Police will immediately enter our facilities in a crisis.
Raptor Visitor Management
When entering a school, visitors will be asked to present an ID such as a Driver’s License, which will be scanned or manually entered into the Raptor system. If a parent or guardian for any reason does not have a US government-issued ID, the school staff member can use any form of identification and manually enter the person’s name into the Raptor system. Raptor checks the visitor's name and date of birth for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. The registered sex offender database is the only official database checked by the Raptor system. No other data from the ID is gathered or recorded and the information is not shared with any outside agency. Once approved, a badge will be printed that the visitor can wear. The printed badge identifies the visitor, the date, and the purpose of the visit. For more information on Raptor Visitor Management, click here.
Speak Up Speak Out Tipline
Created by the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of School Safety (OSS), the SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT Resource Center is a comprehensive location to relay your concerns.
SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT allows students and community members to confidentially report tips on potential harm or criminal activities directed at school students, school employees, and schools. The SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT Resource Center can respond confidentially and quickly to get help to you or to someone who is hurting or struggling.
Anyone can submit a tip 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week by:
Texting “SUSO” to 738477
Visiting the “SUSO” online tipline (Click here)
Calling 1-800-MY-SUSO-1 (1-800-697-8761) to speak to a trained “SUSO” analyst
Downloading the mobile app, which is available for iOS and Android users
For more information, please visit the Speak Up, Speak Out Website.
RESOURCES: SDMF Bullying Prevention Webpage
Discrimination (Title XI)
The School District of Menomonee Falls does not discriminate in the opportunities provided for admission to or participation in athletic programs or activities, standards and rules of behavior, disciplinary actions or facilities usage on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability, color, or any other factor prohibited by state or federal laws and regulations.
This policy does not prohibit the District from placing a student in a program or activity based on objective standards of individual performance, providing separate programs in interscholastic athletics for males and females if such programs are comparable in type, scope, and support from the district, or from providing separate toilet, locker, and shower facilities if the facilities are comparable. Discrimination complaints shall be processed in accordance with established discrimination complaint procedures.
In adding a new sport or expanding an existing sport, the District will not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, color, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability, or any other factor prohibited by state or federal laws or regulations.
All SDMF staff are required to complete SafeSchools Training for Title IX to demonstrate proficiency of state and federal compliance. SafeSchools courses have been authored by nationally renowned experts, and has been endorsed by a number of school boards and superintendent associations nationwide.
Dress Code
The School District of Menomonee Falls works to provide a physically and emotionally safe environment for all students and staff. When students are provided guidelines for their dress code, they are able to express their personal style within those guidelines and engage in the educational environment to maximize the opportunities to learn.
Appropriate clothing includes, but is not limited to:
- Clothing that does not create a health or safety hazard or disrupt learning
- Clothing appropriate for the activity and conducive of learning
Inappropriate clothing includes, but is not limited to:
- Clothing that shows intimate parts, or require frequent maintenance
- Clothing bearing a lewd, vulgar, or obscene message
- Apparel promoting products or activities that are illegal for use by minors
- Objectionable emblems, badges, symbols, signs, words, objects or pictures on clothing or jewelry communicating a message that is racist, sexist, or otherwise derogatory toward any and all students or advances any form of harassment and/or violence against other individuals as defined in the Nondiscrimination policy 411.
- Any apparel or footwear that would damage the school property
- Clothing that causes a distraction to learning
For a more detailed description please see the board Dress Code policy 443.2
English Learners
Having a diverse student body with students having the ability to speak multiple languages enriches and provides a great learning experience for all in our schools. Not only are the students and their families a welcome asset to our community, but the students have a right to an equal educational opportunity to meaningfully participate in their education. All parents are entitled to communicate in a language that they can understand, such as having access to translated materials or a language interpreter. As a district we will and can find ways to include parents who are learning English to be engaged in their child’s education, all are welcome!
The English Learner educational team strives to provide an environment that maintains and values cultural identity and supports students and families who are English Learners to be members of and participate in the school community.
For more information, please review the District EL program flyer.
For more information regarding EL Programming please see the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction English Learner Policy Handbook.
Equal Opportunity Education Policy
Our diverse community is a source of strength, pride, and creativity for Menomonee Falls. We value the contributions of each person and respect the profound ways their identity, culture, background, experience, abilities, and opinions enrich the school culture. We are committed to all student’s ability to excel through education focused on academics, social emotional growth and developing a sense of community.
Menomonee Falls is a place where we intentionally break down barriers so every student feels connected, valued and empowered where racial, cultural, ethnic, and socio-economic factors are not a predictor of success, bringing strength and unity to our community.
Our school community will support the efforts by creating a school environment and community which represents all students. In partnership with students, staff, families and community members we will work to recognize, remove and restore identified barriers and the negative impact they have caused in an effort to achieve the district's big aims of all students have a sense of belonging.
The School District of Menomonee Falls does not discriminate against pupils on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, ancestary, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability or handicap in education programs or activities and provides equal access to designated youth groups. If anyone feels there has been a discriminatory situation in regard to any of the above named classes or in violation of Title IX, Section 504, or Title II of the ADA, please contact the building administrator or Dr. Laura Schieffer, Ed.D., the Director of Pupil Services, at 262-255-2354 or or W156N8480 Pilgrim Road, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051.
Please refer to Policy and Procedure 411 for more information about our formal complaint process.
Forms & Documents
Gender Identity Support
Students who identify as transgender, gender non-conforming, or any other gender expansive identity are provided equitable treatment in the School District of Menomonee Falls. Student have access to to following:
- Protection from discrimination as stated in policy 411
- Privacy and confidentiality
- Use of preferred name and gender identity with parent consent by district staff
- Access to segregated areas addressed through a gender support plan to include bathrooms and locker rooms needs
- Access to gender segregated non-WIAA regulated activities based on the student's preferred gender identity
- Gender support plans
A gender support plan clarifies preferred names, pronouns and accommodations needed while attending school. The plan will also include any other considerations the student and family need to have a sense of belonging at school. For more information regarding the development of a gender support plan, please contact your school’s Student Services department.
Full School Board Policy Listing
Click here to view School Board Policies on BoardDocs and click on POLICIES on the top left hand side.
The School Board Policy Manual is intended to be a guide to action for the Administration. This document recognizes three types of policy:
- Policy which reflects the laws of the State of Wisconsin;
- Policy which is based on assumptions which are made about the future of our schools;
- Policy which must be formulated as need arises.
The following outlines the development of policies, as well as the process of carrying out policies through procedures by administrators and staff.
Initiating Policy:
Policy proposals might be initiated from any source of the school district. Normally suggestions for policy will be referred directly to the Superintendent who will discuss the matter with the individual or group concerned. A first version of a policy will be drafted. The Policy Committee of the Board might also be a frequent initiator of policy and be regularly involved in a referral and communication role. And, of course, any Board member is encouraged to always be alert to policy needs.
Writing Policy:
The superintendent/designee is normally the individual who translates the policy concept into policy language for consideration by the Board. The Wisconsin School Board Association, as well as legal counsel, may assist in the writing of policy.
Role of the Policy Committee and Full Board
The Board Policy Committee manages policy development. Policies are developed and reviewed in various Board Committees and then reviewed by the Policy Committee for recommendation to the full Board. A policy is considered at least twice prior to approval by the full Board.
After approval by the Board of Education, the policy is officially published in the online Board of Education Policy Manual.
Homeless Children and Youth/In and Out of Home Placement/Foster Care
It is the belief of the District that all students can and will learn. The McKinney-Vento Homeless program removes barriers to learning for homeless children and youth. All homeless children and youth will be served using resources available to the district. (Please refer to Board policy 420.1 for additional information).
The term ‘homeless children and youths’ is defined as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence due to economic hardship.
It includes children and youth who:
- are temporarily sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;
- are living in motels, hotels, trailer park or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative
- adequate accommodations;
- are living in emergency or transitional shelters;
- are abandoned in hospitals;
- have a nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings;
- are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings;
- are runaway children or children who are abandoned;
Migratory children, refugee children, and unaccompanied youth (youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian) will be considered homeless if they meet the above definition.
Homeless status is determined in cooperation with parents or in the case of unaccompanied youth by the school social worker and/or district homeless liaison.
Families may contact the social worker at each building:
- Menomonee Falls High School: Brooklyn Hofman
- North Middle School : Rachelle Bartels
- Ben Franklin Elementary: Michelle Olson
- Shady Lane Elementary: Sally Pallan
- Riverside Elementary: Rachelle Bartels
- Valley View Elementary: Sally Pallan
Click here for information on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act
Locker Room and Restroom Policy
Parents Rights and Responsibilities
Parents and guardians are our most important partners in the child’s education. Your involvement is essential to your child’s education success. We urge you to understand and exercise your rights and responsibilities. For more information, contact your school principal or visit the school website. Please use this handbook, as well as the full district policies and procedures to understand the expectations and the procedures followed by the school.
As a parent or guardian you are responsible for:
- Communicating to your student that you and the school district expect high academic achievement and that you believe in his/her ability to achieve academically.
- Ensure that your student attends school daily and arrives on time. You must provide an explanation for absences and tardiness in writing, via electronic form, or any other method of personal contact.
- Informing the school when you change address, phone number, or emergency contact information
- Ensure that your child has all health immunizations as required by law.
- Attend parent conferences and collaborative discussions with the school team to ensure your student is meeting their greatest potential.
- Provide a home environment that allows your child to study and supports his/her academic performance and behavior at school.
- Know the discipline guidelines as stated in this handbook and the guidelines of your child’s school. Discuss discipline with your child and encourage positive behavior.
- Conduct yourself in a respectful manner at school.
Research shows that the involvement of parents is the most important factor in a child’s school success. How can you, the parent, support your child’s success?
- Ask about your child’s school work daily and know what your child is learning.
- Provide a quiet place at home where your child can engage in their work.
- Find one person in the school you can have a relationship with to talk about your concerns.
- Teach your child to resolve conflicts peacefully. This will be reinforced in school.
- Ask the school to help if you have problems with your child.
- Be a good example for your children. They watch what you do.
Lightspeed Student Web Activity Report Sign-Up Form
Please click here to request a weekly report of your child's web activity. If you have more than one child, please complete a separate form on the district website under Parents/TechHub/LightSpeed.Typically, the report will be emailed each Sunday to the parent/guardian email provided. Once you receive your weekly report, you will have the option to create an additional account to review your child's daily activity. Lightspeed Systems Parent Portal
Library Materials
It's important to know that library materials are selected throughout the school year to provide a current and balanced collection of books, basic reference materials, periodicals, digital and audiovisual materials that support the School District's programs and the leisure interests of students. These library materials cover a wide range of interests on all levels of difficulty, with a diversity of appeal and presentation of different points of view. The School District of Menomonee Falls has the technology and procedures in place to ensure that students do not have access to resources that are not appropriate for their age. Selection of library materials includes using reputable, professionally prepared reviews, such as the School Library Journal. Policy 361 and its procedure are in place to manage challenges to books and resources.
Parent request for specific book restriction: Click here.
Public Complaints About Educational and Library Media Materials - Policy 871
Student Academic Standards and Curriculum
Student Academic Standards
Each year, your school board is required to adopt pupil academic standards in mathematics, science, reading, writing, geography, and history. Click here to view the Academic Standards. The School District of Menomonee Falls recognizes the right of parents to review instructional materials and access their child’s student records. Examples of the materials available for student review are instructional materials, report cards, attendance records, student library check-out records, discipline records, etc. Parents or Guardians wishing to review materials or records should contact their child’s building principal to make their request.
These standards are met throughout the academic career of our students. The course selections and programs available can be found in the course guides linked here:
The School District of Menomonee Falls does not discriminate against pupils on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability or handicap in education programs or activities, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. If any student feels there has been a discriminatory situation in regard to any of the above-named classes or in violation of Title IX, Section 504, or Title ADA, please contact the building administrator or Dr. Laura Schiffer, the Director of Pupil Services, at 262-255-8695.
We are hopeful this information is helpful as we partner to deliver the best education possible for all students.
Parents Rights and the Curriculum Policy 334.7
The Board of Education recognizes the pupil’s right of free access to many different types of materials. The Board also recognizes the responsibility of teachers, librarians, and administrators to select books and other materials in accordance with current trends in education and to make them available in the schools. The District recognizes the right of parents to inspect instructional materials and to deny their child’s participation in certain curricular activities in accordance with State and Federal laws and regulations. Complaints resulting from the denial of parent requests regarding the inspection of instructional materials and/or a child’s exclusion from participation in certain curricular activities shall be processed in accordance with established procedures. Complaints shall be judged individually, based upon State and Federal guidelines and District policy.
Human Growth and Development Policy 341.1
The District’s human growth and development education includes age-appropriate information to each grade level and students’ level of maturity. Each year, before human growth and development education begins, an outline of the curriculum will be provided to parents with an outline of the curriculum used in their child’s grade level and information on how the parent may inspect the complete curriculum will be included.
Students are required to take courses and participate in units of human growth and development unless a parent files a written request for exemption with the principal. An advisory committee of parents, teachers, administrators, students, health care professionals, clergy members and other district residents advises the board on design, review and implementation of curriculum.
School Fees
General fees
- Elem School Fee: $85
- Middle School: $100
- High School: $140
Other fees
- High School Parking: $90 ½ year or $180 full year
- Music Instrument Rental - $75
- Career and Tech Ed Materials Fee: $35
- Fine Arts Fee - Grades 6-12 (Band and Orchestra) & Grades 7-12 (Art and Choir) $25
- Activity/Clubs - Grade 6-12 (One time fee/school year) $20
- Career & Tech Edu.Materials Fee – 6-12 (PLTW ,Tech Ed) $25 one fee per semester, per dept course
- North Middle School - PerSport - $130 (Max 4 Sports per Family) $520
- High School - Per Sport - $165 (Max 4 Sports per Family) $660
- Fine Arts Fee - Grades 6-12 (Band and Orchestra) & Grades7-12 (Art and Choir) $25
- Activity/Clubs - Grade 6-12 (One time fee/school year)$20
- Career & Tech Edu.Materials Fee – 6-12 (PLTW ,Tech Ed) $25 one fee per semester, per dept course
School Nutrition
School Breakfast and Lunch Program
Menomonee Falls School District participates in the federally funded National School Breakfast Program (NSBP) and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) to ensure that students receive nutritionally balanced, low-cost, or free lunches for eligible children each school day.
LINQ Connect Account Management
School Nutrition lunch accounts are managed through LINQ Connect and can be accessed at or the LINQ Connect app from your device’s app store. Transaction history and account balances can be managed once an account is created and students are linked to the account.
Account Payment Information
Payments can be made to students’ School Nutrition accounts in several ways.
- Cash
- Check made out to SDMF School Nutrition
- Electronic payment via LINQ Connect
Please include student names and ID’s on the payment to ensure that payment reaches the correct account. Cash or checks can be dropped off in the front office of any of the six school buildings’ main offices. Payments can take up to two business days to reach students’ accounts. Linq Connect does have a convenience fee associated with this payment method but funds will be available as soon as payment is processed.
Account balances must remain positive to allow students to make a la carte purchases which include extra entrees, incomplete meals, milk only, or snacks that are available at the middle and high school levels. Notifications of low account balance are sent from LINQ Connect once account balances fall below $5. Negative balance notifications are sent via email two times each week for each student listed on the family account. Account balances greater than $100 negative will receive letters regarding collection of the amount due and any account not having a payment plan or being brought current by the end of the current school year will be sent to collections.
Free & Reduced Meals Applications
Applications for the school’s Free and Reduced-Priced Meal program are available on the School Nutrition web page and must be submitted for approval or denial each school year. Applications are accepted at any point in the school year, but benefits begin on the day applications are processed and benefits are assigned. Any negative balances or charges applied to a students’ account prior to application approval will be the responsibility of the parent or guardian.
Menus & Food Allergies
Menus are posted each month on the School Nutrition webpage. A link for nutrition information and the main 8 allergens are listed on the menu each month. SDMF is an allergy aware environment and products containing peanuts or tree nuts are not served, however products may have been produced or packaged using equipment that processed or packaged products that contain peanuts or tree nuts. Any other food substitutions for a food allergy or special diet needs require a care plan signed by a licensed medical professional to be on file with the School District.
For more information, including meal pricing and menus visit the School Nutrition District webpage.
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
1. mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or
2. fax:
(833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
3. email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
School Safety, Closings and Visitors
Please visit the SDMF School Safety webpage for additional information on school safety.
The School District of Menomonee Falls is committed to ensuring a safe learning environment for our students, staff, and community. Our safety plans and practices are in place to prepare our school community for a potential crisis, including:
- School Resource Officers (SRO) from the Menomonee Falls Police Department are in our buildings.
- District and school-level Crisis Teams meet regularly to review our safety plans and procedures for protecting our students and staff from dangers in a crisis.
- All external doors at our buildings are locked during school hours.
- Safe and secure entrances to all school offices.
- Visitors entering our schools must present an official ID, such as a driver’s license, which will be scanned or manually entered into the Raptor system.
- All schools perform emergency drills regularly.
All schools have safety plans and practice drills to ensure students have learned behaviors necessary to stay safe should an issue arise. The safety of students and staff is our number one priority. In a crisis event, students will only return to school after it has been determined that safety is no longer compromised and students are accounted for.
Our schools have school safety committees that regularly review crisis response protocols and proactive safety measures.
Each school regularly practices evacuation, severe weather, and lockdown drills. Wisconsin state law requires schools to have at least one monthly safety drill. Each school has created an evacuation procedure to prepare them if our schools become unsafe. Each school has procedures for evacuating from school and returning to school when the building is clear. Each school also has identified several undisclosed relocating sites off campus. The location of these sites will not be disclosed in advance for security purposes. In the event of an evacuation and off-site relocation, you will be notified of plans for reunification.
In the event of an evacuation and parent reunification at an off-campus site, parents will be required to bring a photo ID to pick up their child. The purpose of the photo ID is to ensure that all students are released only to their parents/guardians or emergency contacts.
Visitors to Schools and on School Premises Policy 860
The Board of Education and staff believe there are many benefits that can result from increased interactions with family and the public. Thus, parents, family members and community members are encouraged to visit the District’s schools and attend school sponsored events. AT the same time, the District has a legitimate obligation to ensure that the visitors do not provide a disruption to the educational environment, protect the safety and welfare of students, staff and others in the building and on school premises, and protect the District’s facilities and equipment. A balance must be achieved between the potential benefits and risks associated with visitors in the building and on school premises.
This policy applies to all District buildings and all District premises; and during all school sponsored events and to all District grounds during and outside of school hours.
Visitors to school or on school premises during school hours will adhere to the following requirements:
- Report to the school office when entering the building
- Sign the visitor’s registrar
- Provide personal identification to school staff, such as a driver’s license or other identification with a picture. All visitors will have their ID scanned and checked using our Raptor system. If the individual does not possess such a credential, and school staff cannot otherwise identify the individual, the visit may not occur or will occur under constant supervision of a school employee.
- Receive authorization to visit designated area of the building or on school premises.
- Obtain a visitor’s pass and wear the pass at all times
- Check out when the visit is completed.
- Comply with any other procedure required by the principal of the building.
Emergency School Closings Policy 723.1
The Superintendent shall have the authority to close the District schools, start school later or dismiss students early in the event of inclement weather or other emergencies which threaten the health or safety of students and staff. When determining whether or not to close school due to inclement weather, the Superintendent shall consult village public works and other area superintendents.
Procedure for informing families on school closure:
Area radio and TV stations shall be notified as early as possible on any day that schools are closed due to inclement weather or other emergencies. Parents will receive an automated call that school is closed, and the announcement will be put on the district’s website.
Social Media Guidelines
Connect with the School District of Menomonee Falls on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Our social media pages are intended for students, parents/guardians, staff, alumni and community members to be informed about news and events in the School District of Menomonee Falls. We encourage you to share and comment on our posts by following the social media guidelines below.
The School District of Menomonee Falls reserves the right to delete all comments that do not follow the SDMF social media guidelines below. We also reserve the right to ban users who violate these guidelines, including Board Policy 512 HARASSMENT OF EMPLOYEES PROHIBITED. The intention is not to deprive any person of his or her right to freedom of expression, but to maintain a safe, harassment-free environment for students and staff.
Postings and comments must not violate district policies or Internet safety guidelines. Nor will page administrators allow comments on page postings that:
- Contain abusive, hateful, racial, defamatory or inappropriate language or statements.
- Suggest or encourage illegal activity.
- Are of commercial nature (i.e. advertisements, solicitations)
- Violate copyright and fair use laws. Please give credit where it is due and recognize the source when publishing other's content.
- Do not show consideration for the privacy of others, including identifying students or staff members.
- Messages intended to damage another person’s reputation
- Contain political campaign messages, including support or opposition of ballot measures or political candidates.
- Are considered likely to offend or provoke others.
- Are not factual. Please be accurate and verify your facts before you post.
- Are repeatedly posted comments.
We strive to communicate about urgent issues and respond to inquiries from our community in a timely manner, but please note that our social media accounts are not monitored 24/7. If you have an emergency or are in crisis, please call 911. Please contact principals, teachers, staff members and the School Board directly as we are not equipped to forward messages to individuals through social media.
The School District of Menomonee Falls supports efforts to involve students in optional activities that have social, recreational, or educational value and may occasionally share posts promoting such activities from third parties on our social media channels. It is our policy to only share information about programs/services from non-profit organizations that pertain to children and/or education. Information shared is at the discretion of the school district. Posts shared promoting non-district sponsored activities will be indicated as such.
Student Behavior and Code of Conduct
Students who actively engage in their education maximize their educational opportunities, demonstrate success with learning, contribute to a more effective learning environment and display a concern for the rights and privileges of others. To help facilitate this understanding regarding expectations the district has established a student code of conduct which outlines the expectations of students attendance, the learning environment, physical safety, mental well-being, property and controlled substances. Administrators and teachers shall be expected to take reasonable action as outlined to maintain a proper learning environment.
All students are responsible for their own behavior and are expected to abide by the code of conduct, as well as other school and classroom rules that help maintain a positive learning environment.
In addition to the district-wide Handbook, each school has developed school-wide expectations/behavior plans, and licensed teachers have their own classroom management and discipline plan(s) aligned with the larger district plan. This plan includes strategies for teaching and encouraging expected behaviors. Each teacher communicates their plan to parents/guardians and students - including strategies for teaching and reinforcing behavior, and strategies for providing consequences for both positive and negative behavior. Your child's teacher and school principal will communicate their specific classroom plan and school wide goals.
This information is not intended to be all-inclusive. Students will be subject to disciplinary actions any time the behavior is disruptive, illegal or inconsiderate of others. Discipline policies and procedures are established by the Menomonee Falls School Board and are available at this link.
Please recognize that school rules apply at all times. Rules apply while you are on school premises, on school sponsored field trips, school sponsored activities or events, on school buses, at school bus stops, while you travel to and from school, and any other time or place that your conduct may affect the safety and/or well-being of other students and/or staff. Students may be subject to discipline for any conduct that takes place off school premises and/or outside of school where there is a reasonable belief by school administration the behavior has caused or will cause disruption to the education process or environment, or has interfered with or will interfere with the safety and or well being of students/staff. Repeated violations of any portion of the Code of Conduct may be considered gross disobedience or misconduct, and will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion.
- Code of Conduct
- Due Process
- Student Interviews
- Locker Searches and Use of Canines
- Use of Video Survelliance
- Student Alcohol and other Drug Use
Code of Conduct
The definition of discipline begins with “to teach.” The goal of school discipline is to assist all students to successfully participate in their educational and social environments, as well as to provide a safe learning environment which protects both the school community and public property. Discipline aims to promote positive behavioral change. School staff will use an array of behavioral interventions to support students who are communicating to us through their words and actions they are not doing well, resulting in behavioral difficulties. Individual violations of the Code of School/Classroom Conduct are investigated and may result in different consequences. Below are the levels of disciplinary action. Each violation has a minimum and maximum level of disciplinary action outlined in the following pages. The following must be considered when determining the appropriate level of discipline:
- The student’s age, maturity, and development level
- The student’s disciplinary record including the nature of any prior misbehavior, the number of prior instances, and the intervention measured applied for each
- The student's response to discipline interventions in the past
- The severity and scope of the behavior
- The circumstances/context in the conduct that occurred
- The frequency and duration of the behavior
- The social-emotional status/needs of all persons involved in the behavior
- The student's Behavior Intervention Plan, IEP or 504 plan
Please click here to view the detailed Levels of Disciplinary Action document
Due Process
Every student has the right to explain his/her/their side of the story when accused of not acting responsibly or violating a school code of conduct. The administration will hold a conference with any student suspected of committing a breach of conduct before the level of discipline is issued. In an emergency, in which the administrator feels the student’s presence in school is an immediate danger or may disrupt the school environment, a suspension may occur without a conference. During an emergency suspension, the parent will be notified before the child is sent home. Due process for a student will occur as follows:
- The administrator will communicate with the student what they are being accused of doing wrong
- If the student admits to the offense, the administrator determines the appropriate disciplinary action according to the district policies and student code of conduct.
- If the student states the information is inaccurate, or provide additional information the school administrator will:
- Give the student a reasonable opportunity to state his/her/their version of the story
- Allow the student to provide witnesses on his/her/their behalf
- Review the evidence
- Interview those who hold additional information
- When necessary, consult with additional administrators or counselors
- Following the investigation, the administrator will determine whether the student violated a school rule or code of conduct. If it is determined that the student did not violate a school rule or the code of conduct the case is closed. If the administrator(s) determines the student violated a school rule or code of conduct the administrator will issue the disciplinary action according to the district policies and student code of conduct.
In all cases the student is expected to tell the truth about what happened, accept the consequences, and learn from the situation and, when appropriate follow the established proactive behavior plan to show improvement in the future.
Student Interviews
There are times when incidents that violate a school rule, student code of conduct and/or District policy occur within the school setting. In these cases, the situation will be investigated through interviews of involved students, staff and witnesses for a purpose of gaining a comprehensive understanding of the events that occurred. The questioning will be conducted by a principal/designee. The police department shall be contacted immediately if there is reason to believe that a student violated any laws. If law enforcement officers are contacted by school personnel, or become involved in an incident that has occurred on school grounds, or at a school-sponsored event away from school premises, it may be necessary to interview the student. Refer to Policy 445 for more information.
Communication with Parents/Guardians:
A. Parents/Guardians will be notified of a school-related incident for all involved students upon completion of the investigation due to the need to be timely and comprehensive, parents will not be notified when students are interviewed.
B. Parents/Guardians of involved students will receive communication prior to the release of school should a school investigation be ongoing.
C. If police are involved in an investigation, communication to parents/guardians will be determined by the police department.
Locker Searches and Use of Canines
Locker Searches
All lockers and desks are considered school property and subject to periodic reasonable inspection by school authorities. Lockers may be searched without the consent of the student, without notifying the student and without obtaining a search warrant. Reasonable searches among the personal belongings of the student contained within the locker may be conducted where there are reasonable grounds to believe that the search will provide evidence that the student has violated or is violating the law or the school code or conduct or school rules. Any unauthorized item found in the locker may be removed. Items removed from the locker may be held by the school for return to the parent/guardian of the student, retained for disciplinary proceedings or turned over to law enforcement. For more detailed information please see the Search and Seizure Policy 445.1
Use of Canines
In order to maintain a drug free school and safe environment, the use of canines trained for drug detection and explosive devices will be used. Accompanied by law enforcement personnel and building administration, canines may be used for purposes of exploratory sniffing of the outside of lockers, vehicles parked on school property, and any other areas of school property deemed appropriate. Canines may also be used for random student searches in extra-curricular, non mandatory activities. Searches that involve canine units will be carried out on a random or periodic basis. Please see Policy 443.6 for more details
Use of Video Survelliance
Cameras and security recordings are tools the district utilizes to maintain the safety of our schools. Cameras are placed in public areas such as hallways, cafeterias, auditoriums, and athletic areas. Restrooms and locker rooms, where people assume they are in an area of privacy, do not have cameras. Only individuals authorized by the superintendent, designee or respective building administration may view security recordings. The District reserves the right to provide copies of recordings to law enforcement agencies as deemed appropriate by the superintendent or designee and in compliance with appropriate federal and state laws. Under the guidance of FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act), confidentiality must be maintained.
The security recordings are not considered a student record and are not subject to a records request by parents or the community as this would result in a breach of confidentiality when viewing the footage.
Student Alcohol and other Drug Use
It is the belief of the Board that students and employees have the right to attend school and work in an environment that is free from the non-medical use of alcohol, drugs and mood-altering substances. These substances interfere with the learning environment of students and the performance of students and staff. When students violate the code of conduct for controlled substances the administration, and when necessary law enforcement, will provide the discipline needed to keep the building free of these substances. In addition the district will work with the student using restorative practices. The student services team and administration will work to connect the student to services and equip the student with the awareness and knowledge needed to guide the student to make healthier choices for their future. For additional information please refer to the student code of conduct and policy 443.4 Student Alcohol and Other Drug Use.
Student Health
The law requires that students receive a minimum number of immunizations prior to entering school. The law is intended to prevent illness such as mumps, pertussis (whooping cough), and other vaccine-preventable diseases from spreading and harming the students. To obtain proper immunizations, call your doctor or the Waukesha Health Department at (262) 896-8430 or email at Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring their child(ren)’s immunizations are current. Please see policy 453.2 for more detailed information.
In the event a parent(s) and/or legal guardian chooses to not submit evidence of compliance with the immunization requirement on the basis of religious conviction or medical reasons, a written statement to this effect, signed by the parent(s) and/or legal guardian shall be submitted to the school office prior to the acceptance of the student into the District.
Please click here to see the minimum immunization requirements
The nursing staff are here to support your child at school. One area of support is through the distribution of medications in the school setting and school sponsored activities (including overnight activities). Please work with your school nurse to develop a plan, to be sure the school and the family are maintaining the medical therapy as intended.
Please contact your school nurse regarding any of the following items:
- If changes are made, such as dosage or time the dose is given
- If the prescription medication is discontinued, please bring in a discontinuation order written by the medical provider or parent/guardian
In addition it is important to communicate:
- Parents are responsible for the medication to be delivered to the school safely, and that there is enough medication to follow the prescribed orders
- All prescription medications must be in an original pharmacy container identifying the pharmacy, date the prescription was filled, the child’s name, medication name, dosage, time of day the medication is to be taken and the medical provider’s name
All necessary forms are located on the district nurse website or from your school health room.
Prescription medication:
To authorize administration of prescription medication a signed statement from the parent/guardian and signed instruction from a practitioner must be on file at the school authorizing school personnel to administer any medication.
Forms needed:
- Authorization to Administer Prescription Medication
- Care Plan (if applicable) developed with School Nurse
- Medications turned into the health room in original container
FDA approved non-prescription/over the counter medication requirements:
- Signed statement from the parent/guardian authorizing school personnel to administer.
- Authorization to Administer Over-the-Counter Medication
- Medications turned into the health room in original container
- High School students may be authorized to carry over the counter medication only when an Authorization to Administer Over-the-Counter Medication form is filled out signed by parent or guardian
Asthma Care:
Students with asthma may possess and self-administer metered dose inhalers or dry powder inhalers for the purpose of preventing or alleviating the onset of asthmatic symptoms. Requires forms:
- Written approval of the student’s physician and approval of the student’s parent or guardian to have an inhaler medication in their possession.
- Authorization to Administer Prescription Medication Form
*School staff may not administer medication typically administered to a child at home unless it has been determined to be essential to be given at school and there is a plan developed for such instances. Staff will only administer medication at the designated time as directed by the medical provider and the parent.
Please see visit our district health page and/or board policy 453 for more detailed information.
Sensitivities and Allergies
The District cannot guarantee an allergy-free environment for our students. The District will make every reasonable effort to reduce exposure to any allergen that a family indicates a concern. Since each student’s allergy and situation is different, an individual Health Care Plan may be created for some students and this information shared with school staff that needs to know about the student’s health concern.
The District's primary goal is to create a safe learning environment for students who have life threatening allergies by minimizing the risk of exposure to the offending allergen and to support the individual student how to live their life and know how to avoid the allergen. School staff, student's parents/guardian, health care providers, and the student with the allergy will work together to achieve this goal. (for more detailed information please see policy 453.61)
Communicable Diseases
It is the policy of the School District of Menomonee Falls pursuant to Federal, State and local laws and regulations, and in cooperation with State and local public health agencies, to establish and maintain appropriate health standards for the school environment, to promote the good health of students and staff, and to educate students and staff in disease prevention methods and sound health practices.
Students' parent(s) guardian(s), adult students and employees are responsible for reporting suspected and confirmed diagnoses of communicable diseases. Reports shall be made to building administrators or a district nurse. Each situation of suspected or confirmed communicable disease will be handled on a case by case basis in collaboration with the Waukesha County Department of Health and Human Services.
Students and staff may be excluded from school and/or school related activities if they are suspected of or diagnosed as having a communicable disease, as defined in the administration interpretation, that poses a significant health risk to others or that renders them unable to adequately perform their jobs, or pursue their studies, or poses a significant risk of transmission to others in the school environment. Students and staff excluded from school pursuant to this policy may appeal their exclusion as set forth in the administrative procedure.
Please see Policy 453.4 communicable disease for more details
Please click here for Meningitis Information on our district nurse webpage.
Student Public Records
Most student records are confidential with the exception of directory data. Directory data shall be considered public information and may be released to persons, military recruiters, institutions of higher education and media, unless parents/guardians or adult pupils refuse the release, in writing, via phone or email, through their own initiation.
Directory data includes:
- The student’s name
- The student’s address
- The student’s telephone listing
- The student’s date and place of birth
- The student’s major field of study
- The student’s participation in officially recognized activities & sports
- The student’s weight and height, if a member of an athletic team
- The student's dates of attendance as defined by the time frame in which the student was enrolled in the school, not the specific dates of attendance
- The student’s photograph and video
- The student’s degrees and awards
- The name of the school most recently previously attended by the student
*In addition to directory data, section 10 U.S.C. S503(c) and 20 U.S.C.S7908 require school districts receiving federal funds to provide, upon a request made by a military recruiter, access to secondary school students’ email addresses.
A parent, regardless of whether the parent has legal custody of the pupil, shall have access to the student’s school records unless the parent has been denied access to such records as outlined by State law (e.g. denied periods of physical placement with the pupil ordered by the court).(Please see Student Records Policy 347 for more detailed information). Personally identifiable information from a student’s record will be disclosed under three circumstances:
- Written consent from a parent, guardian or an adult student
- Receipt of a court order, or
- By authority of statute
Records being released to a parent, or others with written consent, shall contain information related to only their child. Any identifying information about children other than their own shall be redacted. This includes all student records, regardless of format.
Student's Rights and Responsibilities
Each student has a right to an education. Student behavior that unduly disrupts the learning environment, involves substantial disorder or invades the rights of others shall not be tolerated. The School District of Menomonee Falls wants all students to reach their full potential. To help students succeed, schools must be free of disruption. As a student you are asked to respect the rights of all those in the school community including students, visitors and staff. The privileges and rights of all shall be guaranteed without regard to race, religion, sex or sexual orientation, national origin, creed, ancestry, pregnancy, parental or marital status, or learning, emotional, mental or physical disability.
Students shall have the right to advocate change of any law, policy, or regulation. Students may exercise their right to freedom of expression through speech, petition and other lawful means following these guidelines:
- The exercise of this right may not interfere with the rights of others.
- Freedom of expression may not be utilized to present material which tends to be obscene or slanderous, to defame the character of others, or to advocate violation of federal, state and local laws, or official school policies, rules and regulations.
- Messages may not mock, ridicule or deliberately demeaning others because of race, religion, national origin, or individual views, or to illustrate obscenity or profanity
- No student may distribute information during regular school hours either in class or in the halls between classes, unless authorized by the principal
- Speech or actions which disrupts the work of the school or the rights of other students are unacceptable.
No right is absolute. Every right has its limitations. One basic limitation is this: the freedom of an individual or group to exercise rights ceases when that exercise unduly infringes upon the rights of others. Since the legitimate right of individuals may be incompatible, it is necessary to recognize that rights must be balanced to protect as many persons as possible.
Age of Majority Information
Special Education
Students with Disabilities
In the School District of Menomonee Falls individuals with disabilities shall not be excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of district programs and services solely because of his/her/their disability or be subjected to discrimination. The District offers a free, appropriate, public education to each identified student with a disability who is enrolled.
In its commitment to provide each child the opportunity to reach his/her/their fullest potential, the School District of Menomonee Falls strives to meet the needs of all students, including those with disabilities.
Students with suspected needs have the right to be evaluated to determine if they have a significant impairment and a need for special education services. Parents/guardians, and other interested persons should contact their teacher, principal or the pupil services office to consider the evaluation process. All students who currently have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and those who are currently being evaluated have additional rights and protections. For more information please contact the pupil services department at (262)255-8442, emailing or by writing to Dr. Laura Schieffer, Director of Pupil Services, W156N8480 Pilgrim Road, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, 53051.
Please refer to Board Policy 342 for detailed information about special education as well as 411 nondiscrimination policy.
The Board of Education, at district expense, provides transportation to and from school for:
a. All 4K – Grade 5 children residing over one (1) mile from the primary school they will attend (public or private).
b. All children (grades 6 - 12) residing over two (2) miles from the school they will attend (public or private).
c. Children who qualify for pupil transportation according to Wisconsin State Statutes 121.54.
For the following transportation forms, please click here:
- Non-mandated busing (for those who don’t qualify for busing)
- Medical bus alert
- Bus stop change request
The School District of Menomonee Falls provides transportation for District residents to and/or from child care providers based on the location of the child's residence and the location of the child care provider. Such transportation is provided under the following conditions:
- Students must be eligible for busing based on home residence.
- The child care provider must be located within the school attendance area and outside the mileage limit which applies to students as specified in Policy #481.
- Pick-up and drop-off locations must be on the same bus route and in a consistent everyday pattern.
- Requests for transportation to and/or from a child care provider must be made in writing and received by August 1. Requests made during the school year must be received five working days before a change is to become effective. The request must state the name(s) of the student(s) involved, the student's home address, the child care provider's address, and the pick-up and drop-off points. The request must be submitted to the principal of the school attended by the student(s) involved.
- Requests for transportation to and/or from a child care provider will be considered based on space availability on the appropriate bus route and on a first come, first served basis.
- The child care provider must be located on an existing bus route. Routes will not be extended or altered to accommodate requests.
- There must be no additional cost to the school district for providing this transportation service. Any additional charges will be passed on to the parent.
- All requests must be renewed each school year.
- Only two changes of child care provider are accepted during one school year.
NOTE: When Milwaukee Public Schools close, transportation does not run for students in open enrollment.
Use of Technology
The School District of Menomonee Falls provides employees and students access to the District’s computer equipment, internal network, and the Internet for the purpose of furthering the educational goals and objectives of the District, the professional development of its employees, and the educational enrichment of its students. Access to these facilities is available at all District schools. The District has software and systems in place that monitor, filter and record all Internet usage. No District student or employee should have any expectation of privacy regarding his or her computer or Internet usage or the privacy of any content. Students and employees may not use District computers for viewing or accessing any site that contains any offensive, disruptive, or harmful material. Any violation of policy 363.2 found on the district website could result in legal action, disciplinary action up to and including suspension and expulsion, and other action to preserve the integrity of the school district’s property and network. Any student who experiences damage, loss, or theft must report this information to their teacher within one school day. Do not delay; we want the unit to be in top working order/found as soon as possible. After a review by the principal, a charge per incident may be assessed to the student/parent/guardian for any loss, negligent or willful damage. Police involvement is typical to help locate stolen equipment.
Students have Google accounts for email, videoconferencing, word processing, spreadsheets, and online presentations. All stored work will be accessible from home, school, and anywhere there is an Internet connection. District-issued accounts are to be used for school-related work. District-issued email accounts through grade 8 are a “closed system” that only allows direct communication between district students and teachers. Students in high school may send/receive emails externally.
Electronic Communication Devices
The Board of Education recognizes the value of student possession and use of personal electronic communication devices while at school when those devices are used to support the education process. The administration at each level will establish cell phone expectations to define when students may be permitted to use electronic communication devices on school premises and at school-sponsored activities. Personal Electronic devices include but are not limited to smartphones, smart watches, digital recording devices, portable media players, tablets, and computers. Annually, all students and families will acknowledge they have read and agree to follow the building cell phone expectations. Violations of the cell phone policy and building expectations will be disciplined in accordance with Policy 443: Student Code of Conduct. In addition, cell phone use must follow Policy 363.2: Computer, Internal Network, Electronic Mail and Internet Safety Policy and Policy 411.1 Bullying of Students Prohibited. Nothing in this Policy shall be construed to limit a student’s ability to use a personal electronic communication device in a manner that functions as assistive technology necessary for a student’s education that is required under an individualized education plan, accommodation plan, language support tool, or agreement.
Under no circumstances may cameras, video recorders, or other devices used to record and transfer images be used without the consent of those being recorded or in any area where students or staff can reasonably expect privacy, such as, but not limited to, in a restroom or locker room. No student shall use a cell phone or any other electronic communication to transfer materials or images to another student that are obscene, sexually explicit, threatening, or harassing. Even if such conduct occurs off school grounds, such conduct may be investigated by the District and may lead to discipline, up to and including expulsion, if the District determines that a connection exists between the conduct and the school environment.
Confiscation of an electronic communication device may also occur in order to cease any use in violation of Board Policy or Rules, to ascertain ownership, or to preserve evidence of wrongdoing.
Who to Contact
- Attendance
- Athletics & Activities
- Behavior & Discipline
- Business Services & Operations
- Budget & Finance
- Classroom Learning
- Community Education & Recreation
- Community Engagement
- Communications
- Curriculum, Learning & Analytics
- Employment
- English Language Learners (ELL)
- Enrollment - New Enrollment & 4K
- Facilities
- Facilities Reservation & Rental
- Flyers and Event Promotion
- Free & Reduced Meals
- Fundraising, Gifts & Donations
- Human Resources
- Kids INC (Before & After School Care)
- Media Requests
- Open Records Requests
- PowerSchool
- Pupil Services
- School Messenger Emergency Notification System
- School Nurses
- School Nutrition
- Schoology
- Special Education
- Superintendent
- Technology
- Transcripts
- Transportation
- Volunteering
- Website
- Work Permits
First Contact | Second Contact | Third Contact |
School Office | School Administrator | Dr. Laura Schieffer Director of Pupil Services 262-9462354 |
Athletics & Activities
Behavior & Discipline
Business Services & Operations
Budget & Finance
Classroom Learning
Community Education & Recreation
Community Engagement
Curriculum, Learning & Analytics
First Contact | ||
WECAN | Julie Biksadski Human Resources Manager | Leia Scoptur Director of Human Resources 262-250-3202 |
English Language Learners (ELL)
Enrollment - New Enrollment & 4K
Facilities Reservation & Rental
Flyers and Event Promotion
Free & Reduced Meals
Fundraising, Gifts & Donations
Human Resources
Kids INC (Before & After School Care)
Media Requests
Open Records Requests
Pupil Services
School Messenger Emergency Notification System
School Nurses
School Nutrition
Special Education
First Contact |
Tammy Strupp |
Work Permits
(Revised 12.15.23)