
Legislative Platform

2023-25 Public Policy & Legislative Priorities

To improve the academic success of our students and ensure the long‐term sustainability of the District, the School District of Menomonee Falls has identified legislative priorities to highlight the key statutory and legislative pain points and help identify changes to state law and administrative rules.

It is imperative to note that the Menomonee Falls School District works to continually create operational efficiencies. The district is lean and continues to seek opportunities to reduce costs while prioritizing student needs. Due to the funding formula and flat resident membership, MFSD has had fixed revenue in recent years and is projected to have fixed revenue in future years while expenses continue to climb due to inflation. The District prioritizes budget items based on needs over wants in order to maintain efficiencies and a balanced budget.

Falls Schools Asks Our State Lawmakers To:

1. Address the Upcoming Fiscal Cliff due to the Conclusion of ESSER
    • Provide adequate funding to “catch up” revenue on a per-pupil basis following the substitution of ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) Funding for per-pupil increases in the last biennium. The combination of two years with $0 revenue limit or categorical aid increases and the supplanting of ESSER funds creates a looming fiscal cliff for Wisconsin School Districts.
    • Funding increases for the 2023-25 State Biennial Budget equivalent to what per pupil revenue increases would have been are imperative to maintain appropriate services, facilities, and staffing levels for students across the state. In their memo linked here, the Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB) estimates this to be $1,510 over the biennium.
    • In order to maintain our current offerings, SDMF is asking for the following:
      • $840 revenue limit per pupil increase in 2023-24
      • $880 revenue limit per pupil increase in 2024-25
2. Establish a Predictable and Sustainable K-12 Funding Model
  • Align annual revenue limit increases to the consumer price index (CPI) in order to establish dependable levels of funding. For 2023-24, the CPI increase is 8.01%. For 2024-25, the CPI increase is estimated to be between 3-4%.
  • Allow districts to utilize the largest of the last three years of resident membership (Summer School and September count) for revenue limit purposes.
  • Include a minimum per-pupil aid in the State funding model to provide a baseline level of aid to all districts.
  • Include local taxpayer protection in any future funding model.
  • Allow local control over unfunded mandates and increase the transparency of the costs (see full list attached)
  • Increase transparency of the local school district levy components on local property tax bills (school district levy, voucher school levy, and impact of School Tax Levy Credit).

3. Increase Funding for High Need Students
  • Increase the current level of funding for students with disabilities to at least 45% of costs for the 2023-25 biennium with a longer-term goal of at least 60% of related costs. Current aidable special education costs total just over $7 million. Increasing aid from 30% to 45% of those costs would provide SDMF with $1.17 million of additional aid decreasing the local cost of special education to $4.03 million.*
    • *If this was approved in the State Biennial Budget, it would decrease the revenue limit per pupil increase ask for SDMF to the following:
      • $550 revenue limit per pupil increase in 2023-24
      • $750 revenue limit per pupil increase in 2024-25
  • Provide 100% State funding support for individual student costs exceeding $30,000 per school year.
4. Provide for Local Control and Accountability
  • Allow local School Boards to set an academic calendar that meets the needs of local students and community. A calendar that best supports the education of students should take a priority over outside factors.
  • Apply mandates and flexibility equally to all schools (public and private) receiving local and state tax dollars.

What Can You Do?

Contact your Legislative Delegates and share Falls Schools' Legislative Priorities. Your advocacy on behalf of our public school students, families, and staff members is important for our future!

Legislative Delegates

Dan Knodl
senate district 8

(608) 266-5830

Representative paul melotik (R)
Assembly District 24

(608) 266-3796

Representative Janel Brandtjen (R)
Assembly District 22