Design Day at Shady lane

Strategic Plan 2024-2029

You are invited to participate in a Focus Group session facilitated by our Strategic Planning partner, Huron Consulting, on February 28, 6 p.m. @ MFHS Library! Join us and offer your input to our Strategic Planning process as we design our next five years for the School District of Menomonee Falls

Update| February 26, 2024

Thanks to everyone who has so far contributed to our strategic planning process; this includes students, parents and families, employees, and community members who have provided survey feedback or attended focus groups – a total of over 3,000 individual respondents. The participation and input so far have been very valuable. Our Steering Committee (listed below) will next be analyzing all of this input, plus up-to-date data on student performance, employee recruitment and retention, and financial conditions and forecast to determine key priorities for our next strategic plan. Members of our Steering Committee, to whom we are grateful for the critical analysis and prioritization they will do from this data, include:

Staff: Ruth Busalacchi, Amy Cline, Sue Kolinski, Cyndi Koessler, Caitlin Windler, Dan Gebauer, Christina Taylor, Amy Riebel, Leia Scoptur, and David Muñoz.

Parents: Jay Gitlewski, Laura Wittlin, Joe Hager, Tom Ewig

Community Members: Laura Ardenelli, Michelle Divelbiss, and Kathy McBride

Feedback Opportunities | January 9, 2024

Please consider offering your input to our Strategic Planning process as we design our next five years for the School District of Menomonee Falls. There are two opportunities for community members to participate in our strategic planning process.

  • Surveys: Online surveys with anonymous responses will be administered by Studer, our continuous improvement partner, for students, parents/ caregivers, and employees. Parents and students will receive a survey invitation for responses between January 10 -January 31. All employees will receive a survey invitation for response between January 10 and January 24. We appreciate your time as you provide input; each survey will take only 10-15 minutes.
  • Focus Groups: You are invited to participate in a facilitated Focus Group session on January 30, 2024. All focus groups will take place at the Community Education and Recreation location in Room 123. Times are listed below for the sessions; you need only attend once:
    • 7:30 a.m.- 8:30 a.m for Parents & Families
    • 9 a.m.-10 a.m. for Parents & Families
    • 10:30 a.m. -1 1:30 a.m. for Community Connections: Faith-Based Organizations, Government Representatives, Partner Organizations
    • 3:15 p.m. - 4 p.m. for Employees
    • 4 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. for Employees

Strategic Planning Update | November 27, 2023
Our strategic planning process has kicked off with input from the School Board and initial conversations with district leaders. In the coming months, we will invite input on our district’s priorities over the next five years (2024-2029) from all community participants. Feedback will be gathered through surveys and focus groups. A small set of representatives across our employee, leader, and parent/family communities will work with an external consultant to analyze the input and recommend priorities based on this feedback. Our timeline has this process starting in January and being completed by May so our School Board can adopt this plan for future planning and decision-making. Please stay tuned for opportunities to contribute to the process, and we thank you in advance for thinking forward with us.

Steering Committee

Staff: Ruth Busalacchi, Amy Cline, Sue Kolinski, Cyndi Koessler, Caitlin Windler, Dan Gebauer, Christina Taylor, Amy Riebel, Leia Scoptur, and David Muñoz.

Parents: Jay Gitlewski, Laura Wittlin, Joe Hager, Tom Ewig

Community Members: Laura Ardenelli, Michelle Divelbiss, and Kathy McBride
