
Continuous Improvement

We're in an infinite cycle of being better, every day. It's called continuous improvement, and it's been implemented at globally successful companies in manufacturing, health care and now, with us, schools.

We're a leader in continuous improvement and it's brought us international attention for the progress we've made in student learning that is unprecedented. We simply call it CI.

In its simplest forms, it's a system called Plan. Do. Study. Act. It's at the core of what we do. It's in the classroom and gives students ownership in their learning. Students guide their own education to meet goals with our staff's instruction and when something doesn't quite click for a child, staff use their own PDSA cycle to tailor learning to ensure success.

If you are interested in learning more about our next Continuous Improvement Symposium or would like to discuss in-district training, please reach out to Amy Riebel, Director of Quality & Analytics, at Click below to join our CI mailing list!

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