Address Change
Moving to a new address? If you are already a family in our district and you moved to a new home within our district, you'll need to complete an Address Change form. All students are required to complete an Address Change form and submit it with proof of residency to your child's school. One form per family.
What happens if you are a resident and your child is currently attending the School District of Menomonee Falls but you move out of the district? If your child qualifies they may continue to attend until the end of the school year by completing and submitting an Address Change form with proof of residency and a Tuition Waiver form to their school or the District Office. A Tuition Waiver is a state program and is monitored by the WI Department of Pupil Instruction. Qualification is determine by answering the questions on the Tuition Waiver form. Transportation is not included for Tuition Waiver students. TIMING IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR A TUITION WAIVER FORM. Acceptance is based on your move date so please contact your school right away when you have all the documentation for your address change.
Address changes and transportation cannot be processed until the school/district has received the required documentation as described on the Address Change form.
Address changes and transportation cannot be processed until the school/district has received the required documentation as described on the Address Change form.
Address Change Form Click Here