
Technology Services

The Technology Services Division is committed to an outstanding experience for our students, staff, and parents. Each day we will strive to exceed expectations to provide the best possible digital learning & workplace environment.

How is technology being used in the classroom?
All School District of Menomonee Falls students in grades 1-12 are issued a Chromebook. Students in grades 6-12 will take their device home daily, while students in grades 1-5 will use the device at home as needed. SDMF 1:1 device access is designed to support a learning environment that is engaging and personalized for all learners. Please see the SDMF Device Handbook for more information.

Students in the middle and high school use Schoology as their learning management system (LMS) on a daily basis to access assignments and digital resources. Elementary students use Google Classroom as their LMS.

Jason Garity

Computer Technician

Cara Hostetler

Technology Support Specialist

Micah Kelly

Computer Technician

Mark Schneider

Computer Technician

John Wallis

Network Administrator

Katie Welke

Technology and Network Manager