Your School

STEM Academy

The STEM Academy integrates academic, technical, and 21st century skills to provide students the knowledge and skills needed for entry level and / or post-secondary STEM careers (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics). The academy model focuses on the importance of project based learning, as well as service and work-based learning experiences.

The rigorous and challenging content of the STEM Academy lends itself to a variety of instructional strategies including projects that are hands-on and project based in a cooperative learning environment. The STEM Academy curriculum is competency-based, utilizing learner-centered instruction that provides rich opportunities for students to learn skills necessary for a STEM career pathway.

Menomonee Falls High School is a certified Project Lead the Way school that offers a complete catalog of pre-engineering courses.These engineering courses will be taught in conjunction with the core curriculum courses so that student projects are applied in core subject areas reinforcing the rigor, relevance, and real world applications.

The STEM Academy is not just engineering. It may look different for every student. There are Manufacturing, Building Trades, and Computer Science classes that are a part of this program that a student can focus on along with their math and science courses throughout their high school experience.

Academy Information & Resources

Do you have questions?
Do you want more information?
Do you need help finding a job shadow?

Whatever it is you may need, you can sign up for a meeting during Phoenix Time with Ms. Kiefer!

You can also send an email at OR
stop by room 248.