Have a dedicated workspace - Having a designated workspace signals to your brain that it is time to work on assignments and then time to end schoolwork when you leave this area. This does not have to be an entire room, this can be an area of a room where your materials and computer stay. Have a question about your school work? Go back to the video first and then email your teacher or connect with a friend in that class.
Set “school” hours - It is easy to get distracted when school takes place at home. Set a time every day that you will dedicate to your assignments. Make sure SnapChat, Fortnite, TikTok, and Instagram are not open during this dedicated time. Social Media can wait until “school hours” are over!
Have a routine & write it down - Know your school’s expectations for logins and assignment submittal. Keep your routine similar to what you are used to: get up, shower, and get ready for your day. Do you have siblings in your home? Brainstorm what your routine looks like together!
Take breaks during your day - Make sure to step away from your school work during lunch or snacks and add breaks for movement, mindfulness and healthy activities. Your brain needs time to relax and recharge. Get outside and get some fresh air, take a walk, ride your bike, or play Frisbee with your dog!
Intentionally end your day - This signals to your brain that “work” is done for the day. Try stretching or running in place to give your brain that needed signal.
Practice gratitude - Studies show that practicing acts of gratitude can actually change the brain to focus on the positive and help you feel more at ease in times of stress or uncertainty. Intentionally think of 3 you are grateful for each day. Share with a family member or friend!
Practice healthy activities - Team together with those in your home to try new games, projects or activities. Puzzles, board games or bake cookies with your family are all good choices
Check in with friends & other family members - Reach out to someone each day to have a non-school related conversation. Reach out to your parents’, teachers and/or your counselor when you are having a tough day.
Get enough sleep - Schooling from home can impact your sleep patterns. Be sure you are getting enough rest (8-10 hours of sleep is recommended). If you have trouble sleeping, there are free apps and podcasts to help. (Calm, Breathe, Headspace)